Grassroots Institutions Building
Assessing existing community institutions & SHGs, Negotiating for necessary modification and Establishing new SHGs, BLS & situation analysis, community meetings, FGDs, Attending group meetings, Initial training to group members and representatives and follow Ups, Monitoring of group records, Evaluating SHG performance, Participatory monitoring systems at SHG level; Forming Village Level Committees (VLCs)/VDCs/Federations / resource centers, Establishing Location Offices, Providing necessary inputs for their capacity building
Micro-Finance Services
Internal savings and Lending, linking with banks and other financial institutions Insurance linkages, Training of and dialogue with bankers, Liasoning with existing financial institutions to provide credit linkages, Special studies and investigations action research, and special policy dialogue events
Livelihood and Enterprise Development
Livelihood skills, Capacities building in local livelihoods existing income generating activities (primarily agricultural), Training for income generating skills, Enterprise development, Establishing traditional optional enterprises, Encourage larger volume of production considering the needs of distant local markets
Market linkages and marketing support
Establishment of Producer Companies: bring collective strength to procurement and marketing, Linkage with Business Development Service (BDS) providers: product development, market and Technology research, marketing, logistics, legal issues, promotion, insurance, quality related services, packaging, communication etc., in market information dissemination, Market management through SHGs
Women’s Empowerment and Social Equity
Gender integration, Sensitization and build up capacity on policy advocacy and its tools, enabling environment through the stakeholders, Village infrastructure to reduce women’s drudgery, Functional literacy, Participation in local governance, Awareness on education, health, hygiene and child care, and family life education for adolescent boys and girls, women’s capabilities on social problems, legal literacy, government welfare schemes and Acts (NREGA, RTI, Domestic Violence Act, PDS, PRIs, Social audit)